Welcome to my monthly newsletter for September 2024

Hi there

Well, here’s my big news for the month. My latest book, A Borrowed Path, came out this week. It’s available worldwide in paperback, audiobook and ebook and I’d love you to buy it! Four generations of women under one roof, a mysterious stranger, a much sought after but dilapidated cottage and a couple of troublesome exes. What could possibly go wrong?

I hope you enjoy it and if you do it would be great if you could leave a rating or a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads as this helps other readers to find and try it.

And that’s the ‘big sell’ out of the way.

What am I writing?

This month I’ve been editing. I’ve been working on the developmental edit for A Question of Loyalty which is due out in June. Readers often ask me about all the different edits that my books go though so here’s a brief summary of each stage:

  1. The developmental/structural edit – this is where we look at the big issues. Does the plot hold together? Is the pacing correct? Are the characters real enough? For my books this edit is usually about building on what I already have to make it richer. We also have to make sure that the start of the book matches the end because I don’t plot and make it all up as I go along.
  2. The copy edit – at this stage we go through the manuscript line by line making sure that I’ve used the right word, not repeated words or started all my sentences in the same way. We also pick up timeline issues, places where I’ve used the wrong names, changed how characters look or have daffodils flowering in June! (For example, Flea the cat in A Borrowed Path was both male and female at one point. Very clever, Flea!)
  3. The proof read – this is where we check for typos and it’s another chance to pick up any small points that the copy edit missed.
  4. The cold read – in this final check a few readers read the book and look for anything that might have been missed.

The whole process takes three to four months or so with some gaps in between each stage. I much prefer writing the first draft because I find that much more exciting but the edit process is slowly growing on me too.

Where have I been?

Imogen Clark - Where have I Been

I had a trip to the south west of England this month for my birthday. We went to Cirencester where I’ve never been before and Stratford-upon-Avon where I have. (That timbered house above is where Shakespeare was born.)

I very much liked Cirencester. So much so, in fact, that I think I’m going to set my next book there. We had a lovely couple of days exploring the town, but if I am going to use it as a location then I will need to go back and firm up on a few details. That’s no hardship! I love a research trip and I already have a potential date in mind.

My husband surprised me with afternoon tea at the RSC theatre which was great fun and coincidentally we were served by a friend of our daughter’s who recognised us from their graduation in London the week before but wasn’t entirely sure she was right and so didn’t say hello. What were the chances of that?!

I’ve also been in Wells-next-the -Sea. I’ve finally found some builders who are going to refurbish our cottage so we had to strip everything out so they can start work. You know when you begin a job like that and then wonder what on earth you were thinking? Well . . . that!

I also had some glorious walks closer to home. The weather has just been spectacular this month. The picture on the left is Norfolk and the one on the right Yorkshire.

What have I read?

I’ve read some great books this month. Here are my top four.

First is Shy Creatures by Clare Chambers. If you enjoyed Small Pleasures then you’ll love this one too. It’s set in Croydon in 1964 in a psychiatric hospital where Helen, an art therapist, meets William who has been living in his aunt’s house without ever leaving for decades and only emerges when his aunt passes away. Carefully, Helen and William’s doctor Gil piece together William’s fascinating past whilst also trying to create a future for him. It’s a lovely study of 1960s England and also a love story.

We Solve Murders by Richard Osman is the first in his new bestselling series. I have to say that I was missing Joyce, Ron and the others from the Thursday Murder Club at the beginning but it didn’t take me long to invest in this new set of characters. Steve and Amy Wheeler are an unlikely pair. She is his daughter-in-law and a high-end private security guard whilst he likes his cat and his pub quiz team and isn’t really interested in adventure. But all that changes when Amy’s life is threatened. It’s fun and quite silly and is a lovely study of England in the 2020s!

Different again is Precipice by Robert Harris. England is on the verge of war but the Prime Minister, Herbert Henry Asquith is horribly distracted by his obsession with a twenty-four year old socialite Venetia Stanley. Oblivious to the clear security risks, the PM shares top secret information with Venetia and she acts as his counsellor as well as his muse. But the security services are aware of the affair and are watching to see if anyone sells the state secrets to the Germans. It’s a fabulous mix of fact and fiction.

Finally, Cat Lady by Dawn O’ Porter. This is such a touching story and I’m not sure it’s got quite the right cover. Mia has a job she adores, a husband and stepson who she loves and, most important of all, a cat, Pigeon. She joins a pet bereavement group because, even though Pigeon is still very much alive, she is already terrified of the day when that is no longer true. Gradually, as the various parts of her life start to unravel we learn just why she is so attached to her cat and watch as she comes to terms with her past. It is funny, quite risqué in places, smart and very poignant. I enjoyed it far more than I thought I was going to.

This month’s book selection

And that’s everything for this month. If you happen to be free on Tuesday 1st October and in the Ilkley area then please come and celebrate the launch of A Borrowed Path with me at The Grove Bookshop.

Otherwise you can always catch up with me on Instagram and Facebook and if you’re not a member of our fabulous book café then what on earth are you waiting for?!

Next month I’m decorating my office as I fancy a bit of a change. I’m not sure it’ll be finished by the time I write again but I will definitely share pictures when it is. I’m also going ‘Mother of the Bride’ shopping but you might have to wait until the wedding next year to see what I pick to wear.

Anyway, have a wonderful October and I’ll be back this time next month with all my news. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. Until then happy reading.