For Writers

What makes me think that I can tell you how to write a book?

Well, I don’t think that at all! It’s such an individual process with no two writers tackling it in the same way.

But what I can share is how I go about writing a book and that might give you some ideas that help you with yours.

What I do have, though, is the kind of journey to publication that only happens in fairy tales. After a huge amount of prevarication, in 2017 I bit the bullet and self-published my first book. Within six weeks I had interest from three major publishers. I chose one and then went on to sign three multiple book deals over the next three years. My books have been at the top of the Amazon Kindle chart in the UK and Australia eight times, and I sold my millionth book pretty much on the third anniversary of selling my first.

On top of all that, I have now written sixteen novels, so I have an understanding of where the bear pits are and how to get myself out of one, if I inadvertently topple in. And that’s what I’d like to share with you.

So, if you think that might be interesting please read on.


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The Last Piece by Imogen Clark

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