
A change of view

Image shows Imogen and the sphinx.
I have left Yorkshire again.

This time it is to fulfil one of my life’s ambitions- to visit Egypt. So far so incredible!

Soggy leaves!

I don’t know how autumn is shaping up where you are but it’s pretty darned wet here!

Lovely colours though (if you ignore the grey sky!) Image shows a tree with autumn coloured leaves.

Writing Retreat

Image shows a trestle table outside with people eating lunch.

Today I delivered a session on Editing followed by a whistle-stop tour of every writer’s favourite software – Scrivener.

And then lunch Tuscan style al fresco!

My Writing Retreat

Image shows a table with mugs and fruit and a welcome sign

I am so fortunate to have the chance to run a retreat in Tuscany which I where I am right now.

The writers are all arriving, flying in from all four corners of the world. It’s going to be a magical week.

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