
Newsletter time!

Image shows a cardboard box of books.
Did you know that I send out a monthly newsletter? You can sign up to receive it and you’ll hear about my books, my life and any giveaways.

There’s a giveaway this month in fact! 😉


Image shows a desk with a cup of coffee and a toilet roll.

I have two weeks to turn round the developmental edits on the new Izzy Bromley book. I also have brain fog due to a horrid cold. (See loo roll!)

At the moment it’s feeling like an insurmountable hurdle! 😬

New week ~ new mindset

I sat at my desk this morning and opened my manuscript as I do every morning. But today I felt something was out of place.

So I’ve taken myself outside to find it. (The sky has gone very grey though. I might be in gir a soaking!! )

Writing on the move.

Photo shows an iPad on a train table.
People often tell me that being a writer must mean that I can work anywhere. I think they mean a hut on a tropical beach or maybe a wooden lodge by a shimmering lake somewhere.

In reality, it’s more likely to be the train to Dewsbury, as I am doing today!

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