Well what a month it’s been!
Postcards was published on 7th August and since then it has flown to the top of the kindle charts in both the UK and Australia hitting the coveted Number 1 spot in both. I’ve also had lots of lovely reviews and so now I finally feel like I am a real author. That may sound silly but it’s been a long journey for me to make that mental leap I can tell you!

Eggs for breakfast.
Mainly though I’ve been travelling. I was lucky enough to go on a trip to Borneo with my family. It was such an experience. As well as seeing lots of wildlife, including the fascinating orang-utans, we also had the chance to stay the night with some families of the Iban tribe. They still live a simple life in wooden longhouses, farming for their own needs and selling what they can. Their days of headhunting are mercifully behind them now although we did have a go with a blow pipe and there were skulls hanging eerily in the eaves.

The Iban longhouse
Then this week I have been in Lisbon settling my second daughter into her Erasmus year at the university there. It was a first trip to the city for us both and we were struck by its vibrancy and colour. I particularly liked the tiled buildings and, of course, the trams. I may have to set a story there!
So now I’m back home with no plans for further travel for a month or so which is great as I need to get the manuscript for my third book delivered to my editor very soon. I’ve been working hard on it over the summer and I’m really enjoying spending time with my new characters as I get to know them.
As usual please get in touch if you’d like. You can find me mainly on Facebook and Instagram ( although I do loiter elsewhere) and don’t forget to join my Book Café if you like chatting about what you’ve read and finding recommendations for what to try next.
Happy reading,