Who is Izzy Bromley?
You may have noticed a new kid on the block. You might not recognise her name but isn't her face is terribly familiar . . .?
Yes. Izzy Bromley, author of bestselling book The Coach Trip is none other than yours truly. Lots of readers have been asking me why I wanted to publish books under a second pen name when Imogen Clark is so well established so I thought I should explain.
A couple of years ago, I had an idea for a new book but I knew that it didn't really sit neatly with the books I usually publish. This is nothing new. I have plenty of completed manuscripts that don't fit. But this wasn't the only issue. My publishers only release my books every ten months or so but I was writing faster than that. I did the maths and worked out that I'd soon be years ahead of myself. I needed something to do in the gaps.
So I approached my publishers and told them about my cunning plan, to write books in two separate genres under two separate names. They liked the idea and so Izzy Bromley was born.
And where did the name come from? Well, Bromley is my maiden name and the publishers suggested Izzy. The rest, as they say, is history.
The Coach Trip is full of the kind of characters I love to create as Imogen but the story is more light-hearted and readers seem to be enjoying that about Izzy's writing. At the moment I'm busy writing the second Izzy book which will be published next summer, with the next Imogen book, In a Single Moment due on 9th November this year.
And so that's how I've ended up writing under two names for the same publisher. Cool huh?
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