
The Virtues of Virtual Travel

Travel broadens the mind, they say.What about virtual travel? Does that count?I only ask because I've been having great fun hopping round the internet as Cara, the protagonist in my [...]

My Little Temper Tantrum

The school summer holidays are five days old ( two of which were the weekend) and I have already had my first meltdown. Is this early or am I following [...]

Passion, eureka moments and Lynda La Plante

Do you have a passion? Is there something in your life that makes your heart race, that shoots electricity to your extremities when you think about it, that gives you [...]

Notes to my Younger Self

A couple of weeks ago, when writing the piece about choosing universities, I started thinking about the things I might have told my younger self if only I'd had the [...]

University choices.

One minute your bouncing them on your knee and checking your back for tell-tale trails of baby sick and the next....Yesterday I began the tour of Universities with my eldest [...]

Welcome to my blog archive. This is where my writing journey began back in 2008 when I first started to post about my life at home with four children.

My world looks very different now but the blogs are all still there and catalogue in my archive. They chart my path from trying to keep up with technology to being a million copy selling author. So, if you’re interested in what interests me then please dip in.
Imogen Clark million selling author at her desk

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Postcards From a Stranger by Imogen Clark

“I wasn’t sure I would like this book in the beginning… Until I couldn’t put it down.”

goodreads reader review

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