
Beside the seaside.

Image shows a beach with the tide out and a coffee cup.
My favourite place is by water. It doesn’t have to be the sea. I’m not fussy. Rivers and lakes work just as well. Even canals at a push!

But today I’m on the beach and it’s lovely.

It’s beginning to look…

Photo shows a Christmas tree with lit fairy lights.
The Christmas tree used to be a family affair. We’d chose it together and then decorate it as a team effort.

Now the children have all gone and I have to do it myself ready for when they fly back just before the big day. I’m trying to think of that not as sad, just different.

First snow!

Picture shows snow on a garden patio.
It’s snowed overnight. The first of the new winter.

I have a complicated relationship with snow. I love it when I’m in the mood (or I’m skiing) but I really don’t like getting cold. Maybe I need a better coat!

A chocolate biscuit. . .

Photo shows a coffee sip and a chocolate biscuit on a desk.
I’ve been racing about so much recently that it’s actually lovely to spend some time in my office.

I have my home made latte (no art. It’s more of a cappuccino really!) And my favourite biscuit and all’s right with the world.

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