Hi there
As you’ll know if you’ve read my books, I like to ground them in a real location if I can. I hope that this makes them more interesting to read but it also gives me chance to visit lovely places and have good a nose about and that makes them fun to write.
Last week, I spent some time in the beautiful Southwold in Suffolk. I had been hoping for the glorious blue skies that you sometimes get but in fact the heavens were dark and stormy which was far more atmospheric ( although possibly not quite as photogenic.)

Stormy skies over Southwold
Anyway, the book I’m currently working on, working title – Miss Mountcastle’s Diary – is the story of two women whose lives have both been broken and who strike up an unusual friendship to try to mend themselves. I needed to find places that I could use for the locations that I had already written into the story as well as making sure that I had the geography of the place right.

Chocolate-box cottages
There is something lovely about a busy holiday town out of season. It was quiet and I assumed that the people that I saw were mainly local and not tourists. It felt as if the whole place was letting out a collective sigh of relief after the long, frantic summer season.

Out of season on Southwold Pier
Now that I’m back home, I’m working hard on getting the first draft completed as the edits for the book due out next Spring will land at the beginning of next month. No rest for the wicked eh?
Also, just in case you missed it, I have a new book coming out very soon. Postcards at Christmas will launch into the world on 15th October and will be available in ebook to start with and then in audiobook next month. You can get it HERE.
Remember to check back for more news soon and if you want a chance to win stuff then sign up for my MONTHLY NEWSLETTER HERE
With very best wishes,