
New blog post!!

Hello! I’ve just written a blog post about what gave me the idea for In a Single Moment so click on Blog above if you’re curious.

I’m always curious. Or should that be nosy? Occupational hazard!

Editing – yuk!

Image shows a computer with a file open on it and a desk with a notebook and a bottle of water.
It has to be done and it makes such a difference to the final book, but I really don’t like editing. It’s overwhelming and yet dull at the same time.

But I’m on a deadline (even though it’s Christmas) and I have to finish it!

Festive Weather …. not.

Image shows fields and a grey sky.

I know it’s England and Yorkshire and all that … but it would it kill the weather gods to pull something festive out of the bag?!

Currently it’s grey, dank, windy, warm and really not at all Christmassy!

Something to make you smile

I saw this sign when I was in Wells this week. It made me smile so I had to buy it.

A great rule to live by, I thought.

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